Why a 1 ounce (31.1 g) bar?

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Here you will find answers to the following questions:

1. What is a troy ounce?
2. Where did the name troy ounce come from?
3. Why are one-ounce bars the most popular?

At a glance

  • Goldsaver offers the purchase of a one-ounce gold bar, which is the most popular form of investment gold on the market.
  • A troy ounce (abbreviated as 1 oz) is a unit of weight used for precious metals such as gold, silver or platinum.
  • 1 ounce is equivalent to 31.1 grams of gold.

A gold bar weighing 1 troy ounce (also known as a jeweler’s ounce) is, along with the bullion coin, the primary form of investment gold on the market. A troy ounce is a unit of measurement used to determine the weight of precious metals such as gold, silver or platinum.

The origin of the Trojan ounce?

The Troyes ounce derives its name from the French city of Troyes, which served as an important trade center in the Middle Ages. It is assumed that it was there that a standardized unit of weight equivalent to 31.1 g was established to facilitate international trade settlements. Today, the Troyes ounce, denoted by the symbol “oz,” is the basic unit of weight for precious metals, in which the price of gold is quoted on the stock market.

Paweł Svinarski

twórca największego w Polsce kanału finansowego „Dla pieniędzy”
paweł svinarski

“Dużym atutem Goldsavera jest automatyzacja oszczędzania możliwa dzięki ustawieniu w banku zlecenia stałego. Nie muszę pamiętać o tym, by dokonywać kolejnych zakupów, wszystko dzieje się z automatu. I nim się obejrzę, będę mógł odebrać swoją sztabkę”

What is an international ounce?

There is also an international ounce in the measurement system, which corresponds to a weight of 28.34 grams. It is used primarily to determine the weight of food products.

Why a one-ounce bar?

The one-ounce bar is the most popular form of investment gold on the market. It is valued and recognized all over the world – it can be found in the offer of all reputable suppliers of physical gold.

The popularity of the one-ounce bar is due to several factors: it is handy and attractively priced compared to bars of lesser weight. At the same time, by its high prevalence in the market, it provides ease of disposal and thus guarantees high liquidity.

Also significant is the fact that, for technological and design reasons, the production of one-ounce bars is cheaper than corresponding coins by weight.

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