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What are the benefits of buying physical gold?

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Here you will find answers to questions:

1) Why physical gold and not paper gold?
2) What are the benefits of physical gold?
3) How big is gold? How much space does it take up?
4. What are the taxes when buying and selling gold?
5. How much money do you need to have to buy gold?
6. Is gold hard to sell? What is its liquidity?

At a glance

  • Physical gold in the form of bars and coins carries a number of economic benefits
  • As a form of investing savings, it also has a number of very practical advantages. The most important of these are: physicality, high value density, low entry threshold, tax advantages, and very high liquidity


Unlike many financial instruments these days, which are in the form of a digital record, a gold bar is something we can put in our pocket and take with us anywhere in the world. We don’t need an Internet connection or even electricity to do so.

Other physical assets are, for example, real estate. However, as the name suggests, they are immovable – they cannot be moved. Gold is both physical and mobile.

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“Złoto jest coraz łatwiej dostępne, a to ma ogromne znaczenie dla większości inwestorów. Kiedyś złoto kojarzono z pewną niedostępnością, ale przede wszystkim z bogactwem, władzą, luksusem. Ale na szczęście to zaczęło się zmieniać i w tym momencie nie trzeba mieć milionów czy setek tysięcy złotych, żeby mądrze zainwestować w ten kruszec. Możemy mieć nawet kilka tysięcy złotych, kilkaset złotych, a obecnie nawet kilkadziesiąt złotych, żeby zacząć swoją przygodę z inwestowaniem w złoto. To jest szalenie istotne, bo przecież większość z nas chce mądrze ulokować pieniądze, ale wiele osób dysponuje relatywnie niewielkimi oszczędnościami”

A lot of capital in a small form

Gold is “dense.” Not only from the point of view of physics, but also economics. A 1 kg gold bar costs approx. 288 thousand. PLN (as of 30.03.2023). At the same time, it is smaller than a typical modern smartphone. We can easily fit it in any luggage or even in a pocket.

How big is a gold bar?

The bars, ranging from 1 to 100 grams, are packaged in a certipack. Standard packages are about the size of an ATM card or ID card and fit easily into a wallet.

Low entry threshold

Gold holds a lot of value in a relatively small object. A range of sizes of gold bars and coins are available on the market. The smallest commonly available gold bars weigh 1 g and cost approx. 345 PLN (as of March 30, 2023). Even if someone can’t afford to buy such an ingot with the amount saved in one month, they can do so in two or three months.

Using Goldsaver, the matter is even simpler, as it allows you to buy one-ounce bars “by the piece.”

Find out why a 1 ounce (31.1 g) bar?


The tax advantages of gold are also huge. Gold is exempt from income tax, as long as you resell the bullion six months after purchase. An absolutely unique feature of gold, which no other asset has, is also the exemption from VAT within the European Union.

Gold is liquid

By liquidity is meant the ease of disposal of an asset. In the case of gold, we can speak of very high liquidity. Gold can be acquired very easily, but also resold just as easily.

By liquidity we also mean divisibility. Having a 100-gram bar, we can easily convert it into two 50-gram bars and sell one of them(See our list of showrooms). Such an operation is practically impossible, if only in the case of real estate.

Gold is international

Unlike stocks, bonds, currencies or real estate, which are permanently assigned to a specific location, gold has no issuer and no country of issue. In principle, it is not assigned to any country, yet it is respected everywhere.

A gold bar will be sold just as easily in Poland as in any other country. As a carrier of value with a history of more than 5,000. As a carrier of value with a history of more than 5,000 years, occurring and known in every culture, gold will find its buyer everywhere – in any place in the world there will be someone who will be ready to buy a gold bar from us.

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