Ways to buy gold

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Here you will find answers to the following questions:

1. How can you buy gold?
2. What is “paper gold”?

At a glance

  • For thousands of years, gold has been a universal carrier of value, immune to political and economic turmoil.
  • The development of financial markets and tools, as well as increasing digitization, has led to the emergence of “paper gold,” i.e. financial instruments that give direct or indirect exposure to gold.
  • As a product, gold protects the purchasing power of money, diversifies our portfolio and – if necessary – gives us the opportunity to cash in easily. The handy form of physical gold, the certificates of reputable manufacturers and the security features used make the purchase of physical gold a safe and convenient way to save, giving a sense of independence from banks and financial institutions.

Physical gold: bars and coins

The most popular form of investment gold is gold bars and coins, which come in a wide range of weights. We can purchase bullion from distributors of gold bars and coins, either stationary or online. We can buy gold bullion on the spot or for a specific term, which is usually associated with a discount of several percent.

When we consider the utilitarian function of gold, we can also invest funds in gold jewelry. Jewelry, however, is not as good a carrier of value as bars and coins, because it is not made from pure gold, the price of jewelry products includes a high manufacturer’s margin and – unlike investment products – jewelry is subject to VAT.

Find out what are the benefits of buying physical gold?

Czarek Jóźwik

Czarek Jóźwik

“Sklep Goldsaver to wygodne rozwiązanie dla osób jak ja, które do tej pory nie miały zbyt wiele do czynienia ze złotem. Można ustawić stałe zlecenie i przypomnieć sobie o złocie jak kurier przyniesie już całą uncjową sztabkę. Nie trzeba śledzić notowań i zastanawiać się, czy teraz jest dobry moment na zakup czy nie. Spoko wygodny sposób na budowanie kapitału na przyszłość, bez konieczności zagłębiania się w niuanse rynku”

“Paper Gold”.


A popular way to invest in gold is to buy units of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Gold ETFs are open-ended exchange traded funds that replicate gold stock indexes. Investing in ETF units is a passive form of investing, and requires opening an account with a broker.

Gold market funds

Investing money in gold market funds is primarily buying shares of mining companies. This is an active form of investment, requiring knowledge and experience, as well as involving higher risks, due to the market situation of a particular company, the economic and political situation of a particular country and region.

Gold contracts

Investing in gold on the stock market is the short-term and riskiest form of investing in gold, requiring considerable knowledge and experience in interpreting market data.

It is worth noting that, unlike physical gold, profits generated on “paper gold” are subject to a 19% capital gains tax – the so-called “Belka tax. Belka’s tax.


Innovative on the Polish market for depositing funds in physical gold is the Goldsaver online store, which allows you to buy a one-ounce gold bar “by the piece,” based on any deposit from as little as PLN 50. Behind the Goldsaver brand is the Goldenmark Group – a leading distributor of precious metals on the Polish market, which has provided Poles with more than 530,000 ounces of gold, or more than 16.6 tons of bullion, during its 12 years of operation.

Find out how Goldsaver works?

After buying a full bar, you can pick it up at one of the Goldenmark chain stores in major Polish cities, via courier service or from a parcel machine.

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