Setting up a standing order

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Here you will find answers to the following questions:

1. How does a standing order work?
2. How do I set up a standing order?
3. Does it cost anything to set up a standing order?
4. Can I cancel and cancel a standing order?
5. If I cancel a standing order, will the discounts I receive be canceled?
6. If I set up a standing order, can I also buy through quick transfers?
7. If I make a regular transfer at the bank, will I also receive a discount?

Bottom line:

  • Setting up a standing order is very simple and gives you a number of benefits.
  • With a standing order, you can regularly buy gold for as much as you want (minimum of £50), as often as you want, and you don’t have to remember to do it. After each purchase, you will receive a purchase confirmation and invoice by email.
  • In addition, you will receive a 0.5% discount on purchases made by standing order.

How does a standing order work?

In saving, regularity and consistency are very important. Most people have a problem with this (we know it, we do too…😉 ), so to help you with this, we have a ready solution for you: in your bank you can set up a standing order.

This way you will automatically buy gold for the amount you specify, as often as you want, without having to remember to do so. You won’t have to do anything else – not even log into the store. After each purchase, you will receive a confirmation of your purchase with an invoice by email.

In addition, when buying by standing order, you will receive a discount of 0.5% on each purchase. The lower price will automatically be included in your purchase.

Dorota Sierakowska

inwestorka i analityczka, specjalizująca się w rynku surowcowym,
twórczyni Girls Money Club
dorota sierakowska

“Złoto jest coraz łatwiej dostępne, a to ma ogromne znaczenie dla większości inwestorów. Kiedyś złoto kojarzono z pewną niedostępnością, ale przede wszystkim z bogactwem, władzą, luksusem. Ale na szczęście to zaczęło się zmieniać i w tym momencie nie trzeba mieć milionów czy setek tysięcy złotych, żeby mądrze zainwestować w ten kruszec. Możemy mieć nawet kilka tysięcy złotych, kilkaset złotych, a obecnie nawet kilkadziesiąt złotych, żeby zacząć swoją przygodę z inwestowaniem w złoto. To jest szalenie istotne, bo przecież większość z nas chce mądrze ulokować pieniądze, ale wiele osób dysponuje relatywnie niewielkimi oszczędnościami”

How to set up a standing order?

  1. Log in to the store.
  2. Click the “Buy cheaper” button in the upper right corner.
  3. Read the terms and conditions of the promotion (this is what will get you the extra discount) and accept them.
  4. You will see the data for setting up a standing order – copy and paste it on the bank’s website, in the place where you will define the transfer. Set the amount yourself (remember, the minimum purchase amount is PLN 50) and the frequency of purchases.

The title of the transfer in the standing order is very important and must be exactly as displayed to you in the panel. If the title is wrong, we will not be able to post the payment and will have to return the transfer. Therefore, check well if you have entered this title correctly in the bank. And preferably do not rewrite it by hand, but use the “Copy” button. You will then be able to paste the copied title in the bank (e.g. CTRL + V). This way you will avoid the risk of mistake   

  1. And that’s it. Done! You don’t have to do anything else. The discount will automatically accrue with each purchase and will be included in the purchase price.

Other most common questions:

Does it cost anything?

In the Goldsaver Store it costs nothing, plus you get a lower price for buying gold (this is because we don’t then have to pay a commission to the payment operator, so we can offer you a correspondingly lower price). Just make sure that your bank does not charge additional fees for defining a standing order

Can I resign and cancel a standing order?

Sure, you can modify (such as the amount or frequency) or cancel a standing order at any time

If I cancel the standing order, will the discounts received be canceled?

No. The discount will be applied to each purchase. Once accrued, it will never be revoked by us

If I set up a standing order, can I also buy sometimes “ad hoc” through quick transfers?

Yes, of course

And if I make one traditional transfer, but do not set up a standing order, will the discount also accrue?

Yes. We do not verify whether you have set up a standing order or made a regular transfer, so the discount will be charged in that situation as well

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