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  4. How do I change my email address in the store?

How do I change my email address in the store?

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Here you will find answers to the questions:

1. Is it possible to change the email address in the Goldsaver store?
2. How to change the email address in the store when you have access to the mailbox?
3. How to change the email address in the store when you do not have access to the mailbox?

At a glance

  • The email address in the Goldsaver.co.uk store is possible to change on your own in a situation where you have access to an old and a new email box – codes for verification will be sent to both addresses.
  • In a situation where you lose access to your email inbox, it will be a bit more complicated to change your email address in the Goldsaver store, which involves security.

When you have access to the box

In a situation where you want to change your email address, and you have access to the “old” mailbox, the situation is very simple. You can make such a change yourself by changing the email address in the store panel.

To this end:

  1. log into the store,
  2. Go to the “My data and addresses” tab,
  3. Next to the field with the email address, click the pencil icon,
  4. In the “New email” field, enter the email address to which you want to change your current address,
  5. Once approved, a box will appear for you to enter the verification code you just received to your “old” mailbox. Enter this code and confirm.
  6. Then you need to enter the second code – this time you received it on the “new” box. Also enter it and confirm it.
  7. And that’s it. Your email address is changed.

Paweł Svinarski

twórca największego w Polsce kanału finansowego „Dla pieniędzy”
paweł svinarski

“Z Goldsaverem kupujesz fizyczne złoto w formie sztabek, a nie jakieś opcje na złoto czy inne papiery wartościowe oparte o złoto, którego tak naprawdę wcale wtedy nie posiadasz. W dobie niepewności na rynku, warto mieć coś co faktycznie posiadamy pod ręką”

If you lost access to your “old” mailbox

In this situation, it will take a little more effort to change the email address, which involves the need for security. Here we have two options:

  1. A visit to any Goldenmark salon – (but remember to contact our BOK first!) a salon employee will confirm your identity based on one of the following documents: an ID card, a document in the mCitizen app, a passport, a foreigner’s residence card, a Polish foreigner’s identity card, a foreigner’s “tolerated stay permit” document, a sailor’s passbook, a soldier’s identity card or a driver’s license. The salon employee will also ask you to fill out such a document
  2. Video-verification – in this case, verification is done via a video call in the Google Meet app, to which we will send you a link. During the connection you will be required to have your camera on. Your face must be in the camera’s shot, as well as your ID document, which will show your photo and PESEL number. Other data can be obscured. Your photo and PESEL number must be visible and sharp enough for a Goldsaver store customer service employee to verify and confirm during the call that they are actually talking to you. If the PESEL number matches the PESEL number of the person registered with the Goldsaver store, the BOK employee will change the email address to the new one. The call will not be recorded, but the BOK employee will be able to take a screen shot (screenshot) during the call to confirm that the video-verification was made.
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