Deleting your Goldsaver account

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Here you will find answers to the following questions:

1. How do I delete my account?
2. Why can’t I delete my account?
3. After deleting my account, can I set it up again with the same data?
4. Can I delete my account to register it again with a referral code?

Bottom line:

  • If you don’t want to buy gold from the Goldsaver store, you can delete your account
  • The procedure is quick and simple, but requires several actions on your part for your safety.

Goldsaver is an online store. And as with any online store, you can create an account with it, as well as delete it – if you decide you don’t want to use it after all.

Currently, only 0.7% of registered users of the store have decided to delete their account (only one out of 140 people). We are pleased with this result and thank you for your trust. However, even if it were to be 1 in a million, we still want the account deletion process to be simple and not cause anyone any problems.

Deleting an account is a serious topic and it is important to do it consciously. This is because this action is irreversible! Therefore, although the process itself is simple and can be done in max. a few minutes, it is divided into several stages. For your safety!

Paweł Svinarski

twórca największego w Polsce kanału finansowego „Dla pieniędzy”
paweł svinarski

“Z Goldsaverem kupujesz fizyczne złoto w formie sztabek, a nie jakieś opcje na złoto czy inne papiery wartościowe oparte o złoto, którego tak naprawdę wcale wtedy nie posiadasz. W dobie niepewności na rynku, warto mieć coś co faktycznie posiadamy pod ręką”

Can I register again after deleting my account?

After deleting the account, of course, you can create a new account, also with the same data. So, if you change your mind in the future and decide to build your savings with Goldsaver, you are welcome! Likewise, if you forgot to use your referral code, you can also delete the account and create it again, using the code.

How do I delete my Goldsaver store account?

  1. Log in to the store
  2. Go to the “Account Settings” tab
  3. Go to the very bottom of the page and click the “Delete Account” link
  4. Confirm the operation as prompted on the screen
  5. To be safe, you must still confirm the deletion of your account by clicking on the confirmation link you will receive right away on your email.
  6. And that’s it!

Why can’t I delete my account from the Goldsaver store?

There are several cases when deleting an account at a particular time will not be possible:

If you have gold purchased on your account.

You must first sell or buy them back and accumulate a total of 31.1 grams of gold. Then you will be able to collect all the gold you bought in the form of a 1 ounce bar.

If you have made a transfer that has not yet been posted

Check if you have made a transfer that has not yet been posted and processed in the store.

If you have an unclaimed bar

You will also not be able to delete your account if you have ordered the collection / shipment of a bar, but which is still “on the way” and has not been received by you.

If you clicked the “buy now” button

Even if you did not complete the purchase, but clicked the “buy now” button, it is possible that the system classified this operation as a pending transaction. In this case, you will not be able to delete your account either. Wait 24 hours and then try to delete the account.

If it’s none of these cases, and you still can’t delete your account, then write to us at We will help and explain what the problem is.

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