Buying overseas at Goldsaver

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Here you will find answers to questions:

1. can a foreigner create an account at the store?
2. is a PESEL necessary to create an account at Goldsaver? 
3. is it possible to buy from Goldsaver with staying abroad?
4. can the bar be shipped to another country?
5. can the bar wait to be picked up until I return from another country? 
6. can I provide foreign contact information? 
7. can I provide a foreign phone number? 
8. can I authorize someone to pick up the bar? 
9. is it possible to pay in another currency? 
10. Is it possible to make a transfer from a foreign account in another currency?
11. Can I pay from my Revolut account? 
12. is it possible to pay by card?

At a glance

  • is a Polish store and, at the current stage of its development, it can be used without restrictions by Polish citizens with a PESEL number and address in Poland. However, we are gradually introducing conveniences that make it possible to make purchases abroad as well.
  • Purchases can also be made by foreigners with Polish PESEL and Poles residing abroad.
  • Payments can be made both from foreign accounts and in foreign currencies, but this involves currency conversion.

Purchases made by foreigners

Both Polish citizens and foreigners can shop at However, the prerequisite for completing the registration process in the Goldsaver store is having a Polish PESEL number.

For information on how to obtain a PESEL number while being a foreigner, visit

Purchases made abroad

While staying abroad, you can make purchases at The prerequisite is a PESEL number and a Polish address, as we do not currently ship gold abroad. Polish address is required, but it is only a billing address – for issuing an invoice. It does not have to be the address where we actually live.

Instead, one can:

  • enter a foreign phone number,
  • authorize a person in Poland – notarized or when visiting one of the showrooms of the Goldenmark network– to receive the bar,
  • keep the ready-to-collect bar with us until you have the opportunity to pick it up in Poland.

Dorota Sierakowska

inwestorka i analityczka, specjalizująca się w rynku surowcowym,
twórczyni Girls Money Club
dorota sierakowska

“Złoto jest coraz łatwiej dostępne, a to ma ogromne znaczenie dla większości inwestorów. Kiedyś złoto kojarzono z pewną niedostępnością, ale przede wszystkim z bogactwem, władzą, luksusem. Ale na szczęście to zaczęło się zmieniać i w tym momencie nie trzeba mieć milionów czy setek tysięcy złotych, żeby mądrze zainwestować w ten kruszec. Możemy mieć nawet kilka tysięcy złotych, kilkaset złotych, a obecnie nawet kilkadziesiąt złotych, żeby zacząć swoją przygodę z inwestowaniem w złoto. To jest szalenie istotne, bo przecież większość z nas chce mądrze ulokować pieniądze, ale wiele osób dysponuje relatywnie niewielkimi oszczędnościami”

Payments from abroad

It is possible to make payments from foreign accounts and in foreign currency. However, you must bear in mind that these payments will be converted to PLN according to the banks’ exchange rates, which may affect the final amount of gold purchased.

Payments in the Goldsaver store can also be made using the Revolut app. Currently, it is not yet possible to pay with credit cards.

Follow our Plans and Changes page or sign up for our newsletter to be informed of all changes made to the store.

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